
What We Charge

We only work with clients where we think we can provide value well in excess of the fees we charge.

Comprehensive financial planning is typically worth a good deal more than it costs. We love that we add tremendous value to clients’ lives, both in ways that are easy to measure and in ways that aren’t. According to a study by the Vanguard mutual fund company, high-quality investment advice and management tends to substantially improve outcomes, sometimes by large amounts (hundreds of thousands of dollars or more over time).

We have two tiers of services based on a client's assets held outside of active company retirement plans:

1. For Early to Late Career Professionals with less than $400,000 in personally held investable cash or investments, we offer a monthly subscription service for Comprehensive Ongoing Financial Planning and Investment Advice at a rate of $150 to $300 per month depending on case complexity.

2. For those, often nearing or in retirement, with $400,000 or more in personally held investable cash or investments, we offer a tiered fee service for Comprehensive Ongoing Financial Planning and Investment Management. For clients with up to $2,000,000 the quarterly fee is 0.225%, the next $3,000,000 is 0.175% per quarter, and the next $5,000,000 is 0.125% per quarter. Rates for amounts over $10 million are negotiated based on case complexity.
  1. Email Andrew
  2. 509.380.9722

  3. Richland, WA

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